"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Gilbert DeLeon

Commander - Air Force - Post 1533

Oscar Rosales

Senior Vice Commander - Army - Post 1533

Ernie Cannon

Junior Vice Commander - Army - Post 1533

John De Leon

Quartermaster Pro Tempore - Marines - Post 1533

Noel Longoria

Service Officer - Marines - Post 1533

MIke Giglio

Chaplain - Army - Post 1533

Jesse Camacho

1st Year Trustee - Navy - Post 1533

Jesus Jess Martinez

2nd Year Trustee - Post 1533

David Martinez

3rd Year Trustee - Army - Post 1533


Suzzie Thomas

Adjutant - Army - Post 1533

Suzzie Thomas

JAG - Army - Post 1533

Ernest Ruiz

Surgeon - Air Force - Post 1533